In our first regular Select Board meeting, since Election Day and Town Meeting, we voted in new officers and assigned board members to committees;
Chair -Jeff Johnson
Vice Chair - Jane Patton
Secretary - Andy Hogeland
We agreed that holding the title of secretary did not mean an automatic move up the ladder to Vice Chair and Chair.
For committee roles, we appointed:
DIRE - Randy Fippinger
Community Preservation Committee - Jane Patton
Affordable Housing - Andy Hogeland
We will be attending our annual retreat on June 15. At that time, we will be discussing priorities for the year. If there is something that you think we should put on our list, please reach out!
my new email -
Our next Board meeting is June 12, 7 pm, Town Hall or on Zoom or Willinet livestream. All details are on the Town Calendar.
Snippets from around Town:
The Fire District held their annual meeting on May 23. The $524,000 FY2024 annual operating budget passed, a 6% increase over last year, along with several other warrant articles.
The Planning Board appointed Peter Beck to chair and Roger Lawrence to vice chair. Peter will also chair the Comprehensive Plan Steering Co with Roger Lawrence and Ken Kuttner as co-vice chairs. I will step down from my role as co-chair (since I'm no longer a member of the Planning Board) and continue on the committee as a citizen member.
On May 29, the Select Board will be participating in the Memorial Day Parade. The parade starts at 11 am at the foot of Spring St. and proceeds to Field Park for a memorial celebration. Come join us!
And finally, I want to give a shout out to iberkshires and willinet for keeping us informed and engaged.